The word “ooze” brings to mind images of sloshing mugs of sweet and sour brew. But the reality is, for most of us, drinking our kombucha at home is a drink of convenience. We don’t want to drive to the grocery store or wait in line at a liquor store to buy it. If you are an organic kombucha lover, you probably already know that drinking your kefir at home is the healthiest way to enjoy it. But did you know there are many other ways to experience the amazing taste of organic kombucha? We’ve listed some of our favorite ways to enjoy organic kombucha here.
Make Your Own
If you’re not a professional brewer and don’t have a commercial brewer’s equipment, you can still make your own organic kombucha at home. Here are the basics you’ll need: Large glass bottle 1/2 tsp. of optional flavoring (lavender, rose, or lemon) 2-3 pieces of orange or lemon peels You can either purchase a ready-to-brew Kombucha Kamp bottle or purchase a special bottling equipment and bottle-making supplies from an online store like
Once you have all of the ingredients for your own organic kombucha, you can brew the perfect batch at home. You can find a great recipe for homemade organic kombucha at The cucumber kombucha bowl is our personal favorite. It is easy to make, delicious, and makes great saketini shots.
Buy Organic Kombucha
If you are not able to make your own organic kombucha at home, you can still purchase organic kombucha. There are many bottle and can brands available, but the easiest way to go is to look for the organic seal. There are many low-quality organic brands on the market that are simply making money by selling you organics on the outside and non-organic ingredients on the inside.
We recommend choosing a quality organic kombucha based on the following criteria:
Price: If you are looking for a deal, buy Organic kombucha in bulk and save money over time. Packaging: We love the way that Kombucha Kamp packages their kombucha but if you are buying organic, look for the seal that reads “Organic” or “100% Organic”.
Flavorings: Look for spices and flavorings that are organic and natural. nuts and seeds: Always look for organic nuts and seeds.
Sugar: Always go with organic sugar. It is the difference between a delicious, healthy kombucha and a sugar high.
Have a Cucumber Kombucha Bowl
The cucumber kombucha bowl is hands down our favorite way to enjoy organic kombucha. If you are not a fan of fish or walnuts, you could always pair your cucumber kombucha bowl with vegetables like bell peppers, carrots, or watermelons. We love pairing our cucumber kombucha bowl with grass-fed butter and local honey since they are both full of healthy fats.
Pile of Organic Kombucha
If you prefer a more savory or meaty tasting organic kombucha, you can pile your glass with the fermented beverage and let the ooey gooey goodness coat your taste buds. This is the perfect way to enjoy your organic kombucha if you are a spicy food lover like us! Organic kombucha is always a good idea to eat instead of buying a box of mixed nuts, seeds, and dried fruit every year.